There are a lot of talented folks who can take a great picture, and I don’t claim to be the best. What I do own up to, though, is how much I care about the people I take pictures of—and to me, that will always be more important.
Originally from Atlanta, my humble beginnings in the photo world started in college–professionally, at least. My actual photo beginnings date back to the heydays of the early 2000’s where I was responsible for archiving thousands of millennial-core-style photos of all of my best friends and family on my Canon Powershot. Ah, yes, what a time to be alive.
I may have been majoring in biology at the time, but I shot my first wedding when I was 20 years old and have been hooked ever since. For a long time, photography was not my full-time job. I was pulling doubles as both a surgical physician assistant AND traveling wedding photographer.
On a trip to New York recently, some friends and I stopped in to a palm reader to have some fun. She took my hand and said, “In September you’re going to make a decision, a choice. Either way you’ll be happy, but I see writing in your future. Start carrying a notebook.” I thought, how funny, because I was thinking about slowing down on the photo side of things. And the universe laughed.
One day, after watching me run myself ragged working two extremely demanding jobs, my husband, David, looked at me and said these two beautiful words: “Just quit.” I looked at him. He looked at me. I said, “I can do that?!” And so I left medicine. And here I am taking your photo and building websites full-time. If I wasn’t a believer in the hoodoo-voodoo before, I sure as hell am now.
My philosophy remains constant, however: Every one of you deserves 100% of my love and attention, and therefore I very much limit the number of weddings I take each year to 10-15. When working as a PA, I photographed because I LOVED it, not because I HAD to. This hasn’t changed. I wake up every day so f***ing excited to take your picture and get to know you.
This is a perspective I will never take for granted, and I’d like to think it makes me a better photographer knowing that some of these photos will embody the last time you and your greatest loves are all in the same room together.
Enough about me, though–we need to give a shout out to my husband (and also highschool sweetheart, gross), David. He’s on the cusp of finishing his time in residency to become a radiologist. You can credit him for the stunning, hand-crafted keepsake ‘album’ boxes that all of my couples receive (take a look at those here!). When we aren’t working, we’re generally snowboarding, hiking, drinking sours & stouts, and keeping our neurotic yet lovable german shepherd-malinois mix, Berry, occupied (SOS).
I used to be there for the worst day of your life. And now I get to be there for one of the best.
Here's to creating some memories together.
(and doing some punk sh*t)
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